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1   /*
2    * Created on 1 janv. 2005
3    *
4    * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
5    * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
6    */
7   package genie.core;
10  import;
11  import;
12  import java.util.Collection;
13  import java.util.Enumeration;
14  import java.util.Properties;
15  import java.util.Vector;
16  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
17  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
19  import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
20  import org.apache.commons.digester.RuleSet;
21  import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
22  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
23  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
24  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
25  import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
26  import org.jdom.Document;
27  import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
28  import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
30  /***
31   * 
32   *
33   * @author T. Kia Ntoni
34   * 
35   * 1 janv. 2005 
36   * Engine @version 
37   */
38  public class Engine extends Manager {
39      private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Engine.class);
40      public static final String GENIE_CORE_ENGINE_CONTEXT = "genie.core.engine.context";
41      public static final String GENIE_CORE_ENGINE_CONFIG = "genie.core.engine.config";
42      public static final String GENIE_CORE_ENGINE_CONFIG_PATH = "genie.core.engine.config.path";
43      public static final String ARG_CONFIG_FILE = "-gfile";
44      public static final String ARG_CONFIG_FIND = "-gfind";
45      public static final String ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FILE = "-dpfile";
46      public static final String ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FIND = "-dpfind";
47      public static final String ARG_PROP_FIND = "-pfind";
48      public static final String ARG_PROP_FILE = "-pfile";
49      public static final String ARG_ENTITYRESOLVER = "-entityresolver";
50      private static final String ARG_RULESET = "-ruleset";
51      /***
52       * 
53       */
54      public Engine() {
55          super();
56          // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
57      }
59      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
60          PropertyConfigurator.configure("C:/EclipseBase/workspace/geniesphere/");
61          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
62              log.debug("main(String[]) - start");
63          }
64          // set genie.home system propetry if not available
65          if (StringUtils.isBlank(System.getProperty("genie.home"))) {
66              File dir = new File(".");
67              String home = dir.getCanonicalFile().getAbsolutePath().endsWith("//bin") 
68              	? new File("../").getCanonicalPath() : dir.getCanonicalPath();
69              System.setProperty("genie.home", home);
70              if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
71                  log.debug("main(String[]) - setted system property genie.home {" + home + "}");
72              }
73          }
74          try {            
75              // create and init the engine
76              Manager engine = preprocess(args);            
77              engine.execute(null); 
78              //verbosePrint(engine);
79          } catch (Exception e) {
80              log.error("main(String[])", e);
81              // TODO: handle exception
82              e.printStackTrace();
83              throw e;
84          }
86          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
87              log.debug("main(String[]) - end");
88          }
89      }
91      private static Manager preprocess(String[] args) throws Exception {
92          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
93              log.debug("preprocess(String[]) - start");
94              log.debug("GENIE_HOME : " + System.getProperty("genie.home"));
95          }
97          // get default properties
98          URL defaultPropertiesUrl = getDefaultPropertiesUrl(args);
99          Properties defaults = getDefaultProperties(defaultPropertiesUrl);
100         // get custom prop url
101         URL customPropertiesUrl = getCustomPropertiesUrl(args, defaults);
102         // load custum prop        
103         Properties customs = loadCustomProperties(customPropertiesUrl, defaults);
104         // get entity resolver
105         EntityResolver resolver = getEntityResolver(args, customs);   
106         // get config url
107         URL configUrl = getConfigUrl(args, customs);
108         Document config = getConfig(configUrl, resolver);
109         // get ruleset
110         RuleSet ruleSet = getRuleSet(args, customs);
111         // engine
112         Manager engine = new Engine();
113         engine.setProperties(customs);
114         engine.setConfig(config);
115         // get digester
116         Digester digester = getDigester(resolver, ruleSet);
117         digester.push(engine);
118         // update properties        
119         Manager returnManager = (Manager) digester
120                 .parse(configUrl.openStream());
121         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
122             log.debug("preprocess(String[]) - end");
123         }
124         return  returnManager;                 
125     }
127     /*
128      * 1° 
129      */
130     private static URL findResource(String name, boolean find) throws Exception {
131         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
132             log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ")");
133         }
134         // valid name ?
135         if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {  // bad name value
136             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
137                 log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + null + "}");
138             }
139             return null; // 
140         }
141         // look in the class path
142         URL url = Engine.class.getResource(name);
143         if (url == null && find) { // ressource not found in the class path
144             try {
145                 // try to find rlative to the user.home
146                 File userHomeBased = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/" + name);
147                 if (userHomeBased.exists()) {
148                     URL returnURL = userHomeBased.toURI().toURL();
149                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
150                         log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + returnURL + "}");
151                     }
152                     return returnURL;
153                 } 
154                 // try to find rlative to the genie.home
155                 String home = StringUtils.isNotBlank(System.getProperty("genie.home"))
156                 	? System.getProperty("genie.home") : "";
157                 File genieDirBased = new File(home
158                         + "/" + name);
159                 if (genieDirBased.exists()) {
160                     URL returnURL = genieDirBased.toURI().toURL();
161                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
162                         log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + returnURL + "}");
163                     }
164                     return returnURL;
165                 }
166                 // try to find relative to any the user.home parent
167                 File parent = userHomeBased.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
168                 while (parent != null) {
169                     parent = parent.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
170                     File file = new File(parent != null 
171                             ? parent.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalPath() + "/" + name 
172                             : name); 
173                     if (file.exists()) {
174                         URL returnURL = file.toURI().toURL();
175                         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
176                             log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + returnURL + "}");
177                         }
178                         return returnURL;
179                     }
180                 }
181                 // try to find relative to any the genie.home parent
182                 parent = genieDirBased.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
183                 while (parent != null) {
184                     parent = parent.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalFile().getParentFile();
185                     File file = new File(parent != null 
186                             ? parent.getAbsoluteFile().getCanonicalPath() + "/" + name 
187                             : name); 
188                     if (file.exists()) {
189                         URL returnURL = file.toURI().toURL();
190                         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
191                             log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + returnURL + "}");
192                         }
193                         return returnURL;
194                     }
195                 }
196             } catch (Exception e) {
197                 log.error("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ")", e);
198                 throw e;
199             }
200         }
201         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
202             log.debug("findGenieConfig(" + name + "," + find + ") - {" + url + "}");
203         }
204         return url;
205     }
207     private static URL getConfigUrl(String[] args, Properties defaults) throws Exception {
208         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
209             log.debug("getConfigUrl(String[], Properties) - start");
210         }
211         String find = getKeyValue(args, ARG_CONFIG_FIND).length == 2 
212     		? getKeyValue(args, ARG_CONFIG_FIND)[1] : defaults.getProperty("genie.core.engine.config.find", "true");
213         String name = getKeyValue(args, ARG_CONFIG_FILE).length == 2 
214     		? getKeyValue(args, ARG_CONFIG_FILE)[1] : defaults.getProperty("genie.core.engine.config.url", "genie.xml");
215         URL returnURL = findResource(name, find.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(
216                 "false") ? false : true);
217         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
218             log.debug("getConfigUrl(String[], Properties) - name {" + name + "}");
219             log.debug("getConfigUrl(String[], Properties) - url {" + returnURL + "}");
220             log.debug("getConfigUrl(String[], Properties) - end");
221         }
222         return returnURL;	
223     }
225     private static Document getConfig(URL url, EntityResolver entityResolver) throws Exception {
226         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
227             log.debug("getConfig(URL, EntityResolver) - start");
228         }
230         try {
231             SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(true);
232             builder.setEntityResolver(entityResolver);
233             Document genieDoc =;
235             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
236                 log.debug("getConfig(URL, EntityResolver) - end");
237             }
238             return genieDoc;            
239         } catch (Exception e) {
240             log.error("getConfig(URL, EntityResolver)", e);
242             // TODO: handle exception
243             throw e;
244         }
245     }
247     private static void setConfigUrlProperty(String[] args, Properties properties) throws Exception {
248         URL url = getConfigUrl(args, properties);
249         if (url != null && properties != null) {
250             properties.setProperty("genie.core.engine.config.url", url.toURI().toString());
251         }
252     }
254     private static URL getCustomPropertiesUrl(String[] args, Properties defaults) throws Exception {
255         String find = getKeyValue(args, ARG_PROP_FIND).length == 2 
256         	? getKeyValue(args, ARG_PROP_FIND)[1] : defaults.getProperty("", "true");
257         String name = getKeyValue(args, ARG_PROP_FILE).length == 2 
258         	? getKeyValue(args, ARG_PROP_FILE)[1] : defaults.getProperty("");
259         return findResource(name, find.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("false") ? false : true);        
260     }
262     private static Properties loadCustomProperties(URL url, Properties defaults) throws Exception {
263         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
264             log.debug("loadCustomProperties(URL, Properties) - start");
265         }
267         Properties properties = defaults != null ? new Properties(defaults) : new Properties();
268         if ( url != null && url.toURI().toString().endsWith(".xml")) {
269            properties.loadFromXML(url.openStream());            
270         }else if ( url != null && ! url.toURI().toString().endsWith(".xml")) {
271             properties.load(url.openStream());
272         }
274         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
275             log.debug("loadCustomProperties(URL, Properties) - end");
276         }
277         return properties;
278     }
280     private static Properties getDefaultProperties(URL url) throws Exception {
281         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
282             log.debug("loadDefaultProperties(URL) - url {" + url + "}");
283         }
284         Properties properties = new Properties();
285         if (url != null && url.toURI().toString().endsWith(".properties")) {
286             properties.load(url.openStream());            
287         }else if (url != null && url.toURI().toString().endsWith(".xml")) {
288             properties.loadFromXML(url.openStream());            
289         }    
290         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
291             log.debug("loadDefaultProperties(URL) - loaded properties");
292         }
293         return properties;
294     }
296     private static URL getDefaultPropertiesUrl(String[] args) throws Exception {
297         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
298             log.debug("getDefaultPropertiesUrl(String[], Properties) - start");
299         }
300         String find = getKeyValue(args, ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FIND).length == 2 
301     		? getKeyValue(args, ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FIND)[1] : "true";
302         String name = getKeyValue(args, ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FILE).length == 2 
303     		? getKeyValue(args, ARG_DEFAULT_PROP_FILE)[1] 
304     		: "conf/";
305         URL returnURL = findResource(name, find.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(
306                 "false") ? false : true);
307         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
308             log
309         .debug("getDefaultPropertiesUrl(String[], Properties) - name {" + name
310                 + "}");
311             log.debug("getDefaultPropertiesUrl(String[], Properties) - url {" + returnURL
312         + "}");
313             log.debug("getDefaultPropertiesUrl(String[], Properties) - end");
314         }
315         return returnURL;	
316     }
318     private static void updateProperties(String key, String value, Properties properties) throws Exception {
319         //setDProperties(args, properties);
320         //setEntityResolverProperty(args, properties);
321         //setRuleSetProperty(args, properties);
322         //setConfigUrlProperty(args, properties);
323     }
325     private static void setProperty(String[] args, Properties properties, String regex, String key){
326         if (args != null && properties != null && regex != null && key != null ) {
327             String string = ArrayUtils.toString(args);
328             Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
329             Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
330             if (matcher.matches()) {
331                 String arg =;
332                 String[] keyValue = arg.split("=");
333                 if (keyValue.length == 2) {
334                     properties.setProperty(key, keyValue[1]);
335                 }
336             }
337         }
338     }
340     private static void setDProperties(String[] args, Properties properties){
341         if (args != null && properties != null) {
342             String string = ArrayUtils.toString(args);
343             Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("-D//w*=//w*\b");
344             Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
345             if (matcher.matches()) {
346                 while (matcher.find()) {
347                     String arg =;
348                     String[] keyValue = arg.split("=");
349                     if (keyValue.length == 2) {
350                         properties.setProperty(keyValue[0].substring(2), keyValue[1]);
351                         System.out.print("Setting Dproperty [" 
352                                 + keyValue[0].substring(2) + "," + keyValue[1] + "]");
353                     }                    
354                 }
355             }
356         }
357     }
359     private static Digester getDigester(EntityResolver entityResolver, RuleSet ruleSet) throws Exception {        
360         Digester digester = new Digester();
361         digester.setEntityResolver(entityResolver);
362         digester.setValidating(true);
363         digester.addRuleSet(ruleSet);
364         return digester;        
365     }
367     private static RuleSet getRuleSet(String[] args, Properties properties) throws Exception {
368         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
369             log.debug("getRuleSet(String[], Properties) - start");
370         }
372         String clsName = null;
373         if (args != null && getKeyValue(args, ARG_RULESET).length == 2) {
374             clsName = getKeyValue(args, ARG_RULESET)[1];
375             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
376                 log.debug("getRuleSet(String[], Properties) - RuleSet implementation from command line {" + clsName + "}");
377             }
378         } else  if (properties != null) {
379             clsName =  properties.getProperty("genie.core.engine.ruleset", ConfigRuleSet.class.getName());
380             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
381                 log.debug("getRuleSet(String[], Properties) - RuleSet implementation from properties {" + clsName + "}");
382             }
383         }
384         RuleSet returnRuleSet = (RuleSet) Class.forName(clsName).newInstance();
385         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
386             log.debug("getRuleSet(String[], Properties) - end");
387         }
388         return returnRuleSet;       
389     }
391     private static void setRuleSetProperty(String[] args, Properties properties) {
392         setProperty(args, properties, "-ruleset=//w*\b", "genie.core.engine.ruleset");
393     }
395     private static EntityResolver getEntityResolver(String[] args, Properties properties) throws Exception {
396         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
397             log.debug("getEntityResolver(String[], Properties) - start");
398         }
400         EntityResolver entityResolver = null;
401         String entityResolverClass = null;
402         if (args != null && getKeyValue(args, ARG_ENTITYRESOLVER).length == 2) {
403             entityResolverClass =  getKeyValue(args, ARG_ENTITYRESOLVER)[1];
404             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
405                 log.debug("getEntityResolver(String[], Properties) - EntityResolver implementation from command line argument {" + entityResolverClass + "}");
406             }
407         }
408         if (entityResolver == null && properties != null) {
409             entityResolverClass = properties.getProperty("genie.core.engine.entityResolver", EntityValidator.class.getName());
410             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
411                 log.debug("getEntityResolver(String[], Properties) - EntityResolver implementation from properties {" + entityResolverClass + "}");
412             }
413         }
414         entityResolver = (EntityResolver) Class
415         	.forName(entityResolverClass).newInstance();
416         if (entityResolver instanceof IEntityResolver) {
417             String localSchemaId = System.getProperty("genie.home") + "/conf/genie_1_0.dtd";
418             ((IEntityResolver) entityResolver).register("",
419                     localSchemaId);
420         }
421         if (properties != null && entityResolver instanceof IEntityResolver) {
422             Enumeration names = properties.propertyNames();            
423             while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
424                 String name = (String) names.nextElement();
425                 if (name.endsWith(".schema_id") && StringUtils.isNotBlank(properties.getProperty(name + "_mapper"))) {
426                     ((IEntityResolver) entityResolver).register(properties.getProperty(name),
427                             properties.getProperty(name + "_mapper"));
428                 }
429             }
430         }
432         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
433             log.debug("getEntityResolver(String[], Properties) - end");
434         }
435         return entityResolver;
436     }
438     private static void setEntityResolverProperty(String[] args, Properties properties){
439         if (args != null && properties != null) {
440             setProperty(args, properties, "-entityResolver=//w*\b", "genie.core.engine.entityResolver");
441         }
442     }
444     private static String[] getKeyValue(String[] args, String regexPrefix) {
445         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
446             log.debug("getKeyValue(" + ArrayUtils.toString(args) + "," + regexPrefix + ")");
447         }
448         if (args != null && regexPrefix != null) {
449             for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
450                 String arg = args[i];
451                 if (arg.equals(regexPrefix)) {
452                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
453                         log.debug("getKeyValue(" + ArrayUtils.toString(args) + "," + regexPrefix + 
454                                 ") {" + ArrayUtils.toString(arg.split("=")) + "}");
455                     }
456                     return arg.split("=");
457                 }
458                 if (arg.startsWith(regexPrefix+"=")) {
459                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
460                         log.debug("getKeyValue(" + ArrayUtils.toString(args) + "," + regexPrefix + 
461                                 ") {" + ArrayUtils.toString(arg.split("=")) + "}");
462                     }
463                     return arg.split("=");
464                 }
465             }
466         }
467         String[] returnStringArray = new String[0];
468         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
469             log.debug("getKeyValue(String[], String) - end");
470         }
471         return returnStringArray ;
472     }
474     private static Collection<String[]> getKeyValuetest(String[] args, String regexPrefix){
475         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
476             log.debug("getKeyValuetest(String[], String) - start");
477         }
479         Vector<String[]> result = new Vector<String[]>();
480         if (args != null) {
481             String string = ArrayUtils.toString(args);
482             Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexPrefix + "=//w*\b");
483             Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
484             if (matcher.matches()) {
485                 while (matcher.find()) {
486                     String arg =;
487                     result.add(arg.split("="));
488                 }
489             }
490         }
492         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
493             log.debug("getKeyValuetest(String[], String) - end");
494         }
495         return result;
496     }
498     private static Collection<String[]> getKeyValues(String[] args, String regexPrefix){
499         Vector<String[]> result = new Vector<String[]>();
500         if (args != null) {
501             String string = ArrayUtils.toString(args);
502             Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regexPrefix + "=//w*\b");
503             Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
504             if (matcher.matches()) {
505                 while (matcher.find()) {
506                     String arg =;
507                     result.add(arg.split("="));
508                 }
509             }
510         }
511         return result;
512     }
515 }